Do you Know Indonesia ? Do you like in Indonesia ?

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011


nama kepanjangan aku Faradilla Elanesi Esvandhiary.. Aku biasanya di panggil Fara atau Dilla, seringnya sih Fara.. ejekan nama aku banyak -,-

Rambut poni aku sejak dari lahir ada blonde blonde-nya gituh.. Gara-gara Poni aku kayak gitu.. aku sering di Ejek.. kadang subang lah kadang sule kadang bulu kucing..

Pertamanya sih aku minder, tapi sekarang nggak kok.. :D

Kalau bosen boseeeen banget, aku sukanya mengedit foto tapi kalau dari Cameranya ada editannya yaudah nggak usah :-"

w/ my little brother :D

w/ Letta.. and Sarah.. I kiss my self

w/ letta, and sarah hands :>

w/ letta

w/ Letta

w/ letta

w/ letta


real my eye.. aku yang edit sendiri -,-



Another ..


Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

mulanya dari musuh ke sahabat menjadi teman dekat dan menjadi teman jauuuh

Waktu aku kelas 4, Aku dan Saarah, Hasan, Husain, Awal.. nggak ada pernah saling bicara.. Ada sih, tapi temen sekelas aja.. Aku sekelas sama Awal, dan Saarah sekelas sama Husain, si Hasan sekelaas sama yang lain..

Gini nih, kan aku sekelas sama Awal.. Awal itu Baandeeeel banget.. Dan kalau dia suka sama CEWEK nih.. terlalu SOK PERHATIAN.. kayak di senetron deh kayaknya...----udah deh kita potong aja---

gimana Aku sama saarah bisa deket sama si Hasan Husain Awal ?

Giniii, kelas lima ini kita udah deket banget Ujian Kenaikan Kelas.. Karna itu, Orang tua mereka.. Orang tua Aku dan Saarah minta Les sama sama.. yaudah deh kita jadinya Les saama sama.. tapi malem..

Hari pertama kita les.. kita pada masih jauh jauhan.. sunyii banget.. yang ada cuman suara Guru Les kita..
nah, si Hasan dia mau ke WC dan dia mau permisi sama Guru Les kita.. cara bicaranya si Hasan "Ibuk Permisiii..." waktu Dia bilang 'Ibuk' nada tinggi.. dan kata 'permisii' 'per'-nya masih tinggi dan 'misii' nya langsung rendah.. aah, pokoknya Kocak banget dah suaranya..

Besok paginya.. Kita naik bus.., aku sengaja pingin Usilin si Hasan.. dan aku ejek Dia.. 'Ibuk Permisiii..' secara nada kemaren malam.. Dan dia malu tersapu sapu :-"

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Manusia UPDATE--> Justin Bieber diduga 51 tahun | Part II

Besoknya.. Ghia kerumah Aku..

"Nih, gue kasih tau mana yang bener.." sambil mengklik

"Ah, kau masih ke bawa bahasa jakartanya !" kata Ghia lumayan nggak penting..

"Liat nih, ya mungkin karna kamu tinggalnya di luar Camp Chevron.. mungkin kamu nggak tau ini.. liat kan itu aja ONN Onions News Network.. Emang ada kayak gituan ? yang ada CNN bukan ONN Ghi.. Clear ?"Kata ku sambil menjelaskan Video itu.. "Iya deh, eh.. emang mau apaan yang di hapus Far ?" Tanyanya lagi kepada Ku.. "Just Forget it.."

~The End~

Real Story.. kalau emang asli kenapa nggak di masukin berita ? haha Just for Fun

Manusia UPDATE--> Justin Bieber diduga 51 tahun | Part I

Aku punya temen yang namanya Ghia.. menurut kalian namanya cewek banget atau cowok banget atau biasa aja ? ah, nggak tau deh..

Gini nih ceritanya, si Ghia baru tau kalau si JUSTIN BIEBER diduga 51 tahun..
nah, dianya langsung update.. "eh eh.., tau nggak kalian.. kalau si justin bieber itu umurnya 51 tahuuun !"katanya sambil mengeluarkan wajahnya yang bulat itu.. "Kok kamu percaya sih sama gitu gituan ? emang kamu tau buktinya ?" kata Ku nggak percaya.. "alah, emang katanya gitu kok.." jawab Ghia sambil PD PD nya.. "Ah, yaudah kamu besok pulang sekolah bisa nggak kerumah aku ? aku kasih tau yang benernya.."Ajak ku kepada si Ghia.. "Ya deh.."jawabnya..

ranking ranking dan ranking

-__- whaaat ?! kenapa sih SOMBONG banget jadi orang..

Yayaya... maybe this time dia emang rankingnya di atas aku.. tapi itu cuman RANKING bukan NILAI kan ?

my mom said "rangking nggak usah di peduliin, nilai itu yang di pentingin bukan rangking.. nggak usah dengerin apa yang dia sebutin.."

gue tanya langsung tu orang, "kamu, jumlah nilainya berapa ?"
dia : "seginii.." sensor ya :D
gue : "ooh segitu.."
dia : kalau kau  berapa ?
gue : "kalau aku sih segini segini.." tinggian aku dari pada dia..
dia : nggak mungkin kau aja di bawah aku rangking nya.. gilaaaa :P
gue : emang asli kok.. siapa juga yang mau bohong ? sama aja bohongin diri sendiri..
dia : boohooong!
gue : nggak kok.. emang rangking tu menentukan nilai ? rangking cuma yaa urutaan apalah -__-

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

About Karate Kid :D

Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) and his mother, Sherry (Taraji P. Henson) move to Beijing from West Detroit after she gets a transfer in her car factory job. Dre develops a crush on a young violinist, Mei Ying (Wenwen Han), who reciprocates his attention, but Cheng (Zhenwei Wang), a kung fu prodigy whose family is close to Mei Ying's, attempts to keep them apart by beating Dre, and later proceeds to bully him in and around school. After a field trip to the Forbidden City, Dre encounters Cheng and his friends hanging out close to his apartment. Dre tries to pass by without them seeing him. When he finds a bucket of polluted water, Dre gets revenge by splashing the water around Cheng and his friends. Cheng and the others pursue and catch Dre, beating him. During the brutal attack, the enigmatic maintenance man of Dre's building, Mr. Han (Jackie Chan), comes to Dre's aid, revealing himself as a kung fu master who dispatches Dre's tormentors.
After Han mends Dre's injuries using fire cupping, Dre asks if Mr. Han could teach him Kung-Fu. Han refuses, but decides to meet Cheng's teacher, Master Li (Yu Rongguang), to make peace. Li, who teaches his students to show no mercy to their enemies, challenges Dre to a fight with Cheng. When Han declines, Li says they will not be allowed to leave his school unless Dre or Han fights. Han acquiesces, but insists the fight take place at an upcoming tournament, and that Li's students leave Dre alone until the tournament. Li agrees, but tells Han that if Dre does not show up during the tournament he will personally bring pain to Han and Dre.
Dre is shocked when Han tells him that he will fight in a kung fu tournament. Han promises to teach Dre real kung fu. Han begins training Dre, but Dre is frustrated that Han merely has Dre spend hours taking off his jacket, hanging it up, dropping it, and then putting it back on again. After days of this, Dre refuses to continue until Han demonstrates that the repetitive arm movements were Han's method of teaching Dre martial arts techniques, which Dre displays instinctively when prompted by Han's mock attacks. Han emphasizes that the movements Dre is learning apply to life in general, and that serenity and maturity, not punches and power, are the true keys to mastering the martial arts. During one lesson in the Wudang Mountains, Dre notices a female kung fu practitioner apparently copying the movements of a cobra before her, but Han informs him that it was the cobra that was imitating the woman, as in a mirror reflection. Dre wants Han to teach him this technique, which includes linking Han's hand and feet to Dre's via bamboo shafts while practicing their forms, but Dre's subsequent attempt to use this reflection technique on his Mom is unsuccessful.
As Dre's friendship with Mei Ying continues, Dre persuades Mei Ying to cut school for a day of fun, but when she is nearly late for her violin recital her parents deem him a bad influence and forbid her from spending more time with him. When Dre finds Han drunk,despondent and breaking the car he had in his living room, Dre learns that it is the anniversary of Han's wife and son's deaths, which occurred when he lost control of the car due to anger caused from an argument he was having with his wife. Dre reminds Han that one of his lessons was in perseverance, and that Han needs to heal from his loss. Han assists Dre in reading a note of apology to Mei Ying's father in Chinese; he accepts and promises that he and Mei will attend the tournament to support Dre.
At the tournament, the under-confident Dre is slow to achieve parity with his opponents, but soon begins beating them and advances to the semifinals, as does Cheng, who violently finishes off his opponents. Dre comes up against Liang, another of Li's students, who is instructed by Li to injure Dre's leg. When Liang insists that he can beat Dre, Li sternly tells him that he does not want him beaten, but broken. Although Liang is disqualified for his illegal strikes, Dre is incapacitated.
Despite Han's insistence that he has earned respect for his performance in the tournament, Dre convinces Han to mend his leg by using fire cupping in order to continue the tournament. Dre returns to the arena, facing Cheng. Dre delivers impressive blows, but Cheng counters with a strike to Dre's injured leg. Dre struggles to get up, and attempts the reflection technique to manipulate Cheng's movements. Cheng charges Dre, but Dre flips and catches Cheng with a kick to his head, winning the tournament along with the respect of Cheng and his classmates, who join Mr. Han's new kung fu class, infuriating Master Li. After this, Cheng awards Dre the trophy, instead of the presenter, with a smile which signifies to Dre that he need not be scared anymore.
In an exclusive Blu-ray alternate ending, Mr. Han and Master Li commence a fight after Master Li tries to punish Cheng. Mr. Han defeats Master Li and earns the respect of his students. Master Li gets up and lands a kick on Mr. Han, but the latter eventually prevails in the second fight as well. Though Mr. Han is enraged by the dishonorable act, Dre calms him down and everyone leaves with Master Li humiliated.

Photo :

Mei Ying and Cheng

♥ this!

Jackie Chan

Awsome Jaden Smith